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Astro forecast for 2022

The 3rd House is responsible for the state language, education system, relations with neighboring countries, transport structure, export of goods from the country. And on all these topics, we will be quite tense.


Astro forecast for December 2021

With the start of winter!!! If every day we share at least a small particle of warmth with those we meet on our way, winter will become much warmer.


Astro forecast for November 2021

This is the last month of autumn! Nature is preparing for winter! Not enough heat physically and not only. Tension is still hanging in the air. But the choice is only ours - to suffer or find something to rejoice at this difficult time!


Astro forecast October 2021

Mid autumn! Amazingly beautiful period! The planets that have retrograded this month are turning into a direct movement, which gives us the opportunity to move forward boldly and the strength to solve the problems that arise!


Astro forecast for September 2021

Autumn is on the doorstep! The glorious time of cool days is coming! And despite what is happening in our world, we must remember that only we ourselves can choose: to fall into despondency or find something to rejoice at! Look around, how much beauty nature gives us!


Astro forecast for August 2021

Summer is coming to an end! A good period to have time to enjoy your vacation and plan your business with minimal loss of time and effort!
