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Summer is coming to an end. But there is still time to relax and enjoy the sunny days!

Be careful, because Mercury is retrograde almost all of August, creating certain obstacles.

August 5 – Venus moves into the sign of Virgo. During this period, there is a cooling of love passion. Emotions are restrained, everything in relationships is analyzed and weighed. Great importance is attached to little things, the slightest trifle can cool the emerging feelings.

August 5 – Mercury turns into retrograde motion.

Return to the past, turning inward, rethinking the experience gained.

In everyday life, problems in the field of communication may begin, for example, misunderstandings. It is possible to renew old relationships.

What is better not to do during this period:

It is better to postpone large financial transactions. You should not borrow money or lend, do not buy anything new, especially equipment. It is not recommended to start new projects. It is better to write down ideas and plans in order to implement them later. It is advisable to postpone signing important documents, changing jobs and taking up a new position.

Surgical operations should be avoided so that there are no repetitions in the future. When traveling, you need to be attentive to transport schedules (they may change), technical problems, transport breakdowns and unforeseen circumstances are also possible.

What can be done during this period:

You can and should put things in order in your affairs and at home, for example, clear away the rubble. Clean up your friends list on social networks, conduct an audit of the information part of your life, finish what you started, go to places where you have already been, buy used things, complete old projects.

August 22 - The Sun moves into the sign of Virgo. A good time for summing up and planning. And you may also want to put things in order in your affairs and documents. It will be easier to clearly formulate your thoughts, take advantage of the moment. At the same time, there is a tendency to criticize others, to point out their shortcomings. In order not to create grounds for conflicts, remember that there are no ideal people.

08/29 – Mercury turns into direct motion! You can do everything that was not recommended during retrograde motion, but it is better to wait a little while Mercury picks up speed and go ahead – launch new projects, make plans, negotiate, buy new equipment, go to places you have not been to yet and treat incoming information with greater trust.

08/29 – Venus moves into the sign of Libra. Everyone becomes more tolerant of the feelings and desires of other people, it is easier to compromise. At this time, sensitivity, delicacy, tact are especially valued. A new acquaintance during this period can indicate the beginning of a relationship that can lead to marriage, or that people will become good friends in the future.

Favorable days August 2024

(We use these days taking into account the above recommendations, these are periods while the Moon before leaving the sign goes only on harmonious aspects).

08/01/2024, 6:19 - 08/03/2024, 13:31 – Moon in Cancer

The entire period of the Moon's passage through Cancer is without stressful aspects. A period of high sensitivity, a tendency to immerse oneself, especially the end of the cycle before the new moon. Not the best time for beginnings, but just right for completing processes. Someone will beautifully and solemnly complete a project, someone will finish their studies, someone will finish a book or a painting. A correct and timely end is as important as a beginning.

08/08/2024, 12:32 - 08/10/2024, 0:44 – Moon in Libra

A good period for active interaction, building relationships, establishing connections. Of course, we remember that Mercury is retrograde, so we are talking about those with whom we are already familiar and in touch. Favorable for resolving conflict situations, negotiations. A successful time for artists, those involved in the beauty industry. You can make an appointment at a salon, just don't experiment.

08/13/2024, 7:30 - 12:00 - Moon in Scorpio

An emotionally difficult period in the sky, so if possible, find time this morning to take care of yourself. Listen to yourself, reflect, spend time in nature, pray, meditate. Any of our thoughts and states have a strong resonance, and it is better if these are positive vibrations. If you build yourself up correctly, you can be incredibly effective.

08/15/2024, 20:51 - 08/17/2024, 23:43 – Moon in Capricorn

Capricorn is a sign that seeks support in the experience gained, and retro Mercury takes us back to the past, so it's time to do practical things, what has been worked out, hone our skills, refine what needs improvement, rely on the experience of elders and more experienced people, develop patience.

08/21/2024, 11:40 - 08/22/2024, 0:53 – Moon in Pisces

Today, make decisions intuitively, relaxed, maintain emotional balance and everything will line up correctly. A good day for psychological, meditative practices, music can even restore physically. It is recommended to be in nature by the water.

08/22/2024, 2:02 - 08/23/2024, 15:43 - Moon in Aries

A good time for events that require action and speed. For sports events, marathons, express promotions. The main thing is that it is not something completely new, Mercury is still retrograde.

08/26/2024, 1:16 - 4:40 - Moon in Taurus

The best thing to do during this period for our region is to sleep. Taurus is a sign that requires enough of everything, including sleep. And for those who really need it and the time is right, take advantage of it.

08/28/2024, 11:48 - 08/30/2024, 18:24 – Moon in Cancer

The last days of summer, pay attention to your family, loved ones, go to nature, maybe organize a trip. For those who did not have time, a good time to prepare for school, go to the school market. A good time for grocery shopping. Good for things that require cordiality, participation and care.