New course in Astrology based on the program of the Levin Academy of Astrology.
✨ Acceptance for the first course of astrology training.
✨ Don't miss the opportunity to acquire not only interesting knowledge, but also a very useful skill in life, and perhaps an amazing profession.
✨ There are no strict age restrictions, the main conditions are interest, passion and desire.
✨ Training is conducted according to the program of the Levin Academy of Astrology.
✨ Teachers are practicing astrologers with many years of experience.
✨ Live and interesting presentation of material, lots of practice.
✨ Possibility to combine full-time and distance learning.
✨ Affordable prices and payment terms.
Acquaintance and first lesson of the group with Russian as the language of instruction will take place on February 05 mart 18:00
☎️ +373 68111245, 0793 66 431
We are launching a course on teaching the Basics of Traditional Astrology.
Dear friends!
09/06/2024. We are launching a course on teaching the Basics of Traditional Astrology.
The course itself is designed both for students who know nothing about this interesting tool for obtaining information, and for those who are already familiar with it.
Event plan:
1. How does Traditional astrology differ from other areas of astrology. Aristotle's doctrine as the philosophical basis of Traditional astrology.
2. Qualities of signs and planets from the point of view of the Aristotelian doctrine of natural philosophy.
3. Dividing the signs of the Zodiac according to their qualities.
4. Qualities, strength and signification of planets from the point of view of the worldview of Aristotle and Ptolemy.
5. Meanings and power of horoscope houses.
6. Essential power of planets.
7. Accidental power of planets.
8. Ways of planetary interaction.
Everyone will find something here.
The course consists of 2 meetings of 5 hours each.
For all questions please call:
068111245 Alla
Новый курс Таро
17.03.2024. в 15:00 Мы запускаем курс по обучению искусству чтения символики карт Таро.
Сам курс рассчитан как для слушателей которые ничего не знают об этом интересном инструменте для получени информации, так и для тех , кто уже знаком с ним. Тут каждый найдет свое. В обучении используется классическая колода Райдера Уэйта. Курс состоит из 20 уроков по 2 часа .
Вы окунаетесь в мистический мир символизма и это прекрасная возможность взглянуть на мир по новому .
По всем вопросам обращайтесь по тел:
079365664 Ирина
068111245 Алла
079366431 Зинаида
Curs de Astrologie incepe in luna 13 martie 2024
Vă oferim o oportunitate unică în Moldova de a acumula cunoștințe profesionale în astrologie. Cursurile sunt susținute în cadrul programului Academiei de Astrologie din Moscova.
Profesorii sunt calificați și cu mulți ani de experiență. Vă vor introduce într-o lume nouă. Veți avea ocazia să înțelegeți în detaliu această știință uimitoare, să obțineți un sistem de cunoștințe pentru dezvoltarea personală, să găsiți prieteni și oameni cu gânduri similare și, în timp, dacă doriți să deveniți astrologi profesioniști.
Puteți veni și studia nu neapărat pentru a deveni un astrolog profesionist, ci pentru a obține cunoștințe pentru evoluția personală, familie și prieteni.
Cursul va fi susținut în limba română.
La data de 13.03.2024 la ora 18:00
Cursul se va petrece online și ofline
Durata cursului 4,5 ani
Pe adresa: or. Chisinau str. Aldea- Teodorovici 11/2
detalii la tel:022755644; 068111245; 079366431
Astrological forecast for 2024.
Jupiter will be in Taurus until May 26, 2024 in a positive aspect.
States will pay more attention to the development of industry and agriculture, and seek energy resources to restore destroyed territories.
In a negative manifestation, instead of an increase in well-being, expenses and losses are expected.
Those in power can take measures that are unpopular with the people, designed to equalize the financial balance.
From May 26, Jupiter moves into the sign of Gemini.
The changes will be aimed at improving the quality of education and increasing the prestige of the teaching profession.
New sources of information will appear.
The ban on broadcasting on television and in the press may be lifted.
The number of destinations and permanent routes in the transport sector is increasing.
On the negative side, there may be problems associated with receiving and transmitting information.
There can be so much of it that important things are missed in the flow.
Scandals in the press affecting the interests of influential people.
Claims related to copyright infringement.
Problems with obtaining visas, licenses, and other important documents.
Saturn remains in Pisces.
Justice is restored, facts that were hidden or not revealed become known.
There will be an opportunity for those who were forced to leave their homeland to return to their homeland.
It is possible to expose secret cases, arrests, investigations in connection with espionage activities, as well as secret negotiations, secret work, and intricate political games.
In a negative manifestation, lawlessness can occur.
Laws are ignored and used in ways that benefit the stronger party.
In the month of April, there will be a conjunction between Jupiter and Uranus in the sign of Taurus, which will bring big changes and updates that will affect the financial sphere.
Sharp fluctuations in currencies are possible - some currencies will unexpectedly strengthen, others will sharply lose value.
In the map of Moldova, the Conjunction of Jupiter with Uranus will be observed in the 7th House of State, which is responsible for bilateral alliances and, in general, for all external relations.
It is also the House of "agents of influence" of foreign states.
There must be a renewal in external relations with other states.
New partnerships with other countries may emerge, and previous contacts may be transformed.
Pluto will be in Aquarius from January 20 to September 1.
From September 1 to November 19 it will return to the last degree of Capricorn.
And Aquarius will finally set on November 19, where it will remain until 2043.
Pluto in Aquarius will show humanity outdated and unsuitable ways of communicating with the future and methods of assessing the present.
Pluto will demonstrate that it is not enough to look into the future; you also need to be able to evaluate this future as more or less promising.
"Star Bridge"
We invite those who wish to a special meeting on the “Star Bridge” together with friends from Iasi.
This year we have the first small anniversary of this “Star Bridge”.
Astro Mercury is a dedicated partner who has supported us and offered many ideas during this period.
This time we meet again in Chisinau on November 25, 2023 at 11.00 in the premises of the Center for Astrological Research "ASTROOURANIAS"
The theme of the meeting is “INGRESSION OF THE HIGHER PLANETS.”
Starting from the current 2023, the process of Pluto’s ingression into Aquarius began, and in the coming 2024, Pluto will finally settle in a new sign, in 2025 there will be ingressions of Neptune into Aries and Uranus into Gemini. The process will be completed in 2026.
By historical standards, this is very dense; this can be observed extremely rarely. It is interesting to discuss collectively what processes will be launched during this period. Of course, the topic is vast, and this meeting will only open the door for future discussions. But we are sure that when we are just at the beginning of this path, many will be interested in listening to the opinions of experts, slightly lifting the veil, and looking into the future.
Address: m. Chisinau str. Aldea-Teodorovici 11/2 or online
You can register by email:, or phone, viber, watap, telegram +37379366431,+37368111245
Практическое занятия
Дорогие друзья и единомышленники!
Предлагаем присоединится к курсу практическое применение
астрологической программы «Сотис» 12.02.2023 г. В 13.00.
Тем кто интересуются звонить: +37379366431; +37368111245
Приглашаем обучаться Астрологии
Приглашаем обучаться Астрологии (начала 21 сентября 2023)
Предлагаем уникальную в Молдове возможность получить профессиональные знания по астрологии. Занятия проводятся по программе Московской Академии Астрологии. Квалифицированные преподаватели - практикующие астрологи, с многолетним стажем введут вас в новый мир, непохожий ни на что, изучаемое в обычных учебных заведениях.
Вы получите возможность очень детально разобраться в этой удивительной науке, получить выстроенную систему знаний, обрести друзей и единомышленников и, со временем, при желании стать профессионалом.
Можно прийти и обучаться не обязательно с тем, чтобы стать профессиональным астрологом, а получить знания для себя, для своей семьи и друзей.
Занятия проводятся на русском и румынском языке.
По адресу: г. Кишинев ул. Алдя-Теодорович 11/2.
Вопросы по тел.: 022 755 644, 068 111 245, 079 366 431
We invite you to learn Astrology
We offer a unique opportunity in Moldova to gain professional knowledge in astrology. Classes are held according to the program of the Moscow Academy of Astrology. Qualified teachers - practicing astrologers with many years of experience will introduce you to a new world, unlike anything studied in ordinary educational institutions. You will get the opportunity to understand this amazing science in great detail, get a built-in system of knowledge, find friends and like-minded people and, over time, become a professional if you wish.
You can come and study not necessarily in order to become a professional astrologer, but to gain knowledge for yourself, for your family and friends.
Classes in Romanian start on April 14, 2022 at 18:00
Address: Chisinau, st. Aldya-Teodorovich 11/2.
Questions by phone: 022 755 644, 068 111 245, 079 366 431
Ziua Usilor Deschise Sîmbătă 28.08.2021 dela 15.00 pînă la 16.30
Friends! We invite you to the traditional annual event "Day of Open Doors". We are waiting for like-minded people to visit us to get acquainted with our Astrological Center, with our activities and new plans.
We offer an opportunity to join astrology. Those who wish can enroll in a new course to gain professional knowledge.
Questions by phone: 022 755 644; 068 111 245; 0793 66 431