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Happy winter everyone! Let the preparation for the holidays give everyone joy, optimism and hope!

7.12 - Mercury enters the sign of Capricorn. In thinking and communication, a person becomes more constructive and businesslike. Small talk can be annoying. But on the other hand, there is more patience and perseverance in mastering information, the desire to get results.

10.12 - Venus enters the sign of Capricorn. There comes a period of restraint in the manifestation of feelings, severity of assessments, seriousness of intentions. Feelings and desires are under strict control of the mind. When concluding a marriage, it will be important to sign a marriage contract. Having quarreled at this time, it is very difficult to reconcile.

20.12 - Jupiter again moves into the sign of Aries. The last passage of Jupiter (already in direct motion) in this sign, which occurs 1 time in 12 years. At this time, Jupiter multiplies success and improves things. Success awaits those who strive for independence, boldly assume obligations, who are not afraid of the new. But for long-term projects, sometimes there may not be enough fuse. Such manifestations as arrogance, exaggeration of one's own importance, expansion can also increase.

21.12 - The Sun enters the sign of Capricorn. Such qualities as perseverance, endurance, composure and diligence become important. It is through patience, compliance with the rules and laws during this period that it will be easier to conduct business and achieve results. And neglect of the law will be stopped by more stringent measures.

December 22 is the day of the Winter Solstice (the longest night of the year). From this day, the light part of the day begins to increase.

December 29 - Mercury turns retro. This is a traditional period of delays in obtaining information, the operation of communications. There may be problems in business trips, paperwork, the movement of goods and cash. It is better to control the details so that mistakes do not have serious consequences. It is better to start new projects after the turn of Mercury to direct movement.

During this period, it is good to complete what you have started, especially what is connected with intellectual activity, to return to old relationships, and if you shop, then only second-hand.

Auspicious days december 2022

(We use these days, taking into account the above recommendations, these are periods until the Moon goes only on harmonious aspects before leaving the sign).

12/1/2022, 16:24 - 12/2/2022, 4:44 - Moon in Pisces

The time when we are more impressionable and intuitive. Today, without unnecessary stress, catching a wave, choosing the right strategy, you can do a lot. Good time to visit a psychologist. You can plan a shopping trip, for example, to buy shoes.

12/6/2022, 3:54 - 9:01 pm - Moon in Taurus

This is the time for thoughtful and thorough action. A good day for solving practical matters. You can start long-term projects. Favorable for useful, applicable, necessary purchases, for going to the salon.

12/11/2022, 16:11 - 20:48 - Moon in Cancer

You can just spend this Sunday evening with your family and loved ones, which will fill you with positive emotions and give you strength for the whole working week. You can plan a joint trip to the cinema, a cafe, a shopping center (purchases will be successful).

12/13/2022, 16:09 - 17:51 - Moon in Leo

The interval is not large at all, but it may be useful to someone. For example, you can make an appointment with the master in the salon for this time. Make an important purchase, even online. A good time to launch a promotion.

12/20/2022, 18:42 - 12/21/2022, 4:44 - Moon in Scorpio

An intense day, but the evening promises to be very productive if you seriously get involved in the process. Don't plan too many things, but something substantial and difficult can be done for you. Scorpio is a water sign, so water fills, cleanses and heals especially effectively today.

12/24/2022, 8:37 - 12/25/2022, 5:10 - Moon in Capricorn

The day is not ideal, a difficult sign for the Moon, which is still in the sign of the new moon, but already in growth. So this Christmas Eve, there will be more strength and resources to prepare for the holiday. It's too early for serious undertakings, but it's already possible to plan.

12/28/2022, 1:54 - 12/29/2022, 8:20 - Moon in Pisces

The period when we are especially susceptible to the surrounding atmosphere, so try to be in places where it is light, festive, harmonious, soak up the energies of joy and share them where they are not enough. These days, you can intuitively very successfully choose gifts for relatives and friends, and maybe for those who need attention and support.