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With the start of winter!!! If every day we share at least a small particle of warmth with those we meet on our way, winter will become much warmer.

4.12 - Solar eclipse, ending in the eclipse corridor. The Sagittarius-Gemini axis works. This means that you need to set a goal and move towards it, thinking through every step. And, of course, he studies, and if the studies are over, then help others to master the knowledge, to be in the role of a teacher. Be careful, pride or wounded pride can make itself felt.

13.12 - Mercury enters the sign of Capricorn. In thinking and communication, a person becomes more constructive and businesslike. Small talk can be annoying. But on the other hand, more patience and perseverance in mastering information, the desire to get results

13.12 - Mars enters the sign of Sagittarius. A good period for expanding plans, increasing overall optimism in the business sphere. At the same time, you can overestimate your strengths and capabilities, take on several things at once and ignore important little things.

– Venus turns retro. During this period, it is difficult to openly express your feelings. Memories of experienced feelings may come, or meetings with those with whom they parted for a long time. At this time it is not recommended:

Register a marriage, enter into a new relationship, change your image, update your wardrobe, do plastic surgery and new cosmetic procedures, etc.

But you can return to the old relationship or close the gestalt.

21.12 - The Sun enters the sign of Capricorn. Such qualities as perseverance, endurance, composure and diligence become important. It is through patience, compliance with the rules and laws during this period that it will be easier to conduct business and achieve results.

December 22 is the day of the Winter Solstice (the longest night of the year). From this day, the light part of the day begins to increase.

December 29 - Jupiter enters Pisces. This position of Jupiter happens once every 12 years. When choosing goals and advancing socially, it is better to rely on intuition.

Auspicious days November 2021

(We use these days, taking into account the above recommendations, these are periods until the Moon goes only on harmonious aspects before leaving the sign).

4.12.2021, 22:22 - 5.12.2021, 7:07 - Moon in Sagittarius

We have just left the eclipse corridor, the Moon is still in the sign of the new moon, so for the time being we will wait with serious undertakings. Moreover, in our region the time interval is such ... it is realistic to do something only in the Internet space. But making plans, launching advertising, starting training can be quite effective.

5.12.2021, 13:31 - 7.12.2021, 6:41 - Moon in Capricorn

The moon is in a sign that is not strong for itself, on the way along the sign it will have to interact with not simple planets. Emotionally difficult time: restraint, constriction. But the absence of tense aspects makes it possible to organize and effectively, without stress, solve specific practical problems.

12/14/2021, 2:03 - 12/14/2021, 4:51 - Moon in Aries

Time in our region is night time, for health we recommend to oversleep it all the same. But if there is an urgent need, for example, to launch an Internet project, then a wonderful time to start.

26.12.2021, 1:08 - 26.12.2021, 10:39 - Moon in Virgo

This holiday weekend can be spent as efficiently as possible, with benefit. For example, make preparations of dishes for the new year and freeze; go shopping (remember that Venus is retrograde); book a stylist to clean up; pay attention to your health. Plan the most important items in the morning.

12/28/2021, 16:07 - 12/28/2021, 23:10 - Moon in Libra

Pre-holiday pleasant fuss, soft romantic mood, we buy more gifts. A good period for building relationships, resolving conflict situations. So, before the new year: "Make peace, those who are in a quarrel."

12/29/2021, 18:58 - 12/30/2021, 19:09 - Moon in Scorpio

The moon is waning, in phase 4, of course, not for grand undertakings. But a good time to get rid of the unnecessary, on all planes: we throw away unnecessary things, we refuse toxic connections. Effective psychological, energetic. meditative practices of cleansing the mind, the emotional plane. Getting ready to enter the new year refreshed.