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Happy New Year!!! With new luck, hope for the best and happy moments in life!!!

On January 2, Mercury enters the sign of Aquarius. There is more freedom in communication. Increased interest in unusual information. It is advisable to pay attention to incoming ideas, they may turn out to be promising.

From 14.01 to 4.02 - Mercury turns into a retro movement. This is a traditional period of delays in obtaining information, the operation of communications. There may be problems in business trips, paperwork, the movement of goods and cash. It is better to control the details so that mistakes do not have serious consequences. It is better to start new projects after the turn of Mercury to direct movement.

During this period, it’s good to finish what you started, especially what is connected with intellectual activity, to return to old relationships, and if you shop, then only second-hand.

From 20.01 - the Sun moves into the sign of Aquarius. It is a good time to create joint projects. It will be easier to achieve success by working in a team. You want to get out of your usual comfort zone, free yourself from restrictions, outdated views, start something new.

On January 24, Mars enters the sign of Capricorn. Many will feel more confident and organized, it will be easier to plan and distribute their forces. There comes a favorable time to take on responsible work, return to unfinished business and bring them to the end. All this, in turn, will require large energy costs.

From 29.01 - Venus turns into a direct movement. You can exhale in something, but until 4.02 while Mercury is in retro, unfortunately, it is not recommended to start something new even in areas related to Venus (purchases of beautiful, new things, romantic acquaintances, etc.).

Auspicious days

(We use these days, taking into account the above recommendations. These are the periods until the Moon goes out of the sign only on harmonious aspects).

01/04/2022, 20:44 - 01/5/2022, 2:44 - Moon in Aquarius

The time is late, but it will probably come in handy for someone, for example, for those working with other continents. And if you tune in to the right, light, positive, pleasantly vibrating wave, you can solve serious problems without stress, or simply “catch” new, promising ideas from space.

01/07/2022, 8:55 - 01/8/2022, 0:23 - Moon in Pisces

On this magical, Christmas day, do something pleasant for yourself and those who are nearby, fill the day with warm deeds, words, sincerity. It is good if you find time to be in solitude in order to dedicate it to yourself and your Soul. We rest, fill up through music, pleasant communication, meditative practices, prayers.

01/11/2022, 18:53 - 01/12/2022, 21:38 - Moon in Taurus

The Taurus Moon balances, calls for slowness, practicality, gives the desire to maintain peace and stability. It is good to touch the beautiful, kind, unshakable. Therefore, if you choose this day to promote your projects, use these principles.

01/19/2022, 9:38 - 01/20/2022, 10:15 - Moon in Leo

This is a period when we are especially active and active, and lovers of Epiphany ablutions will be filled with energy and will not freeze - the Moon is in a fiery sign. If you do what you like, brings joy, then you can count on success. But we don’t take on something new - two personal planets are retrograde at once.

01/26/2022, 07:42 - 01/27/2022, 07:27 - Moon in Scorpio

The moon is in the fourth phase, Mercury is backtracking, the time is not right for starting important projects, but it’s even very good for moving forward, for the next important step. This is a time of internal transformation, setting intentions to get rid of what hinders development.

01/29/2022, 11:09 - 01/31/2022, 6:43 - Moon in Capricorn

Capricorn is not the most comfortable sign for the Moon. This is a period of excessive tension and alertness. But, it is easier to get together, to organize. Therefore, we outline practical things that require patience and perseverance. There is enough time - almost the entire period of the passage of the Moon in sign.