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Summer is just around the corner! Time for warm days, plenty of fruit and interesting meetings! Be in a positive mood! We must remember that much depends on our thoughts.

03.06 - Mercury turns into direct motion. Of course, it is still slowly picking up speed, so the delays associated with information and communications still remain (the speed of Mercury will increase gradually and will finally recover after the transition to a new sign on June 13), but it is already possible to make plans, negotiate, buy equipment, drive to places where he has not yet been and with great confidence to treat the information received.

June 13 - Mercury enters Gemini. It is easier to expand your circle of friends or go somewhere. Intellectual activity that requires ingenuity, analysis or collection of versatile information will be more successful at this time.

June 21 - Sun enters Cancer. This is a period when a person becomes dependent on his emotional state, sensitive and overly receptive to what is happening around. Business qualities give way to intuition. The main thing is to take care of relatives. More and more you want warmth and comfort, and to strain - the desire is less and less.

June 23 - Venus enters Gemini. I want lightness and change in relationships. The need for new sensations can give short duration of contacts. Love will be fleeting and will dry up at the moment when the partners have nothing to say to each other.

Auspicious days June 2022

(We use these days, taking into account the above recommendations, these are periods until the Moon goes only on harmonious aspects before leaving the sign).

06/8/2022, 9:44 - 06/8/2022, 15:08 - Moon in Virgo

If you get involved in the energies of the Virgo, approach things thoroughly, seriously, scrupulously, today you can do a lot of useful and important things. And since The moon is also growing, then this is a wonderful time for undertakings. You can start a course of treatment, get a new job, start a business, study.

06/16/2022, 2:50 - 06/16/2022, 21:41 - Moon in Capricorn

The day promises to be very productive if you get together, concentrate, carefully plan your time and act as clearly and organizedly as possible. A good day for shopping, learning, for launching long-term projects.

06/25/2022, 16:02 - 06/25/2022, 22:02 - Moon in Taurus

This Friday night can be devoted to pleasant and practical things. As simple household items: to buy food, cook goodies, you can do it for the future, “garden and garden” or do needlework; and business, for example, to hold a business meeting, in an informal setting, in a cozy restaurant