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Aspects of the week.

July 24th. Mercury - Square - Uranus. Information overload.

July 27th. Mercury - Conjunction - Venus. Selectivity in contacts.

July 28th. Mercury ingression into Virgo.

ARIES. Annoying calls from children who desperately need money from you. On the Internet, you will be carried away by romantic games.

CALF. You will be annoyed by any petty remark from your parents. But with the guests in the house, you will be able to more easily maintain a conversation regarding painting and music.

TWINS. You may suddenly be blocked on social networks. The desire to strengthen contacts or improve relationships with siblings or cousins will increase.

CANCER. A sudden quarrel in a team of like-minded people because of little money. And in this situation, you will have to take on the role of a peacemaker.

LION. Instructions from the authorities are not perceived, the information simply does not come to mind. All your attention is drawn to creating an image of attractiveness.

VIRGO. Unexpected flight cancellation at the airport, you can get stuck for a while on a long trip. But in this environment you have a chance to make friends with a nice person.

SCALES. Receiving shocking news from friends. You will experience an urgent need to share your thoughts with like-minded people.

SCORPION. Work plans will change dramatically due to the inappropriate behavior of the spouse. Listen to the advice of your superiors and assess the situation more calmly.

SAGITTARIUS. At work, electronics will behave capriciously. You will be able to communicate pleasantly and strengthen relationships with relatives on the part of the spouse.

CAPRICORN. An ill-conceived adventure is fraught with monetary losses. At least you can get tax or insurance benefits.

AQUARIUS. Difficult relationship with appliances in your home through the fault of your spouse, who will turn on the wrong or wrong place. Well, you will be able to calm your partner by finding the right words.

FISH. Friends or relatives will come or call at completely inopportune moments. You will decorate your workplace with indoor plants or pictures.