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Aspects of the week.

April 3rd.

Mercury ingression into Taurus.

April 3rd.

Mercury - Square - Pluto.

Dependence on someone else's opinion.

5th of April.

Mercury - Sextile - Saturn.

Systematization of thinking.

April 7th.

Venus - Sextile - Neptune.

Creative fantasies.

April 8th.

Mercury - Sextile - Mars.

"The boy said - the boy did."


A group of friends forces you to financial expenses.

But you still keep some of the money in your stash.

And spend them wisely on family needs.


Your opinion will be sharply criticized by a suspicious boss.

A friend will give wise advice to be patient.

Walking around the city by car will add variety.


In the case of a long trip, there will be problems due to documents from the Border Guard.

Patiently following instructions from superiors at work.

Buying a small useful tool.


Disturbing news about a friend will lead to serious correspondence with associates on the Internet and to a meeting with those of them who are in place.

Against this background - a date with a nostalgic girlfriend.


Distrust in relationships with suspicious business partners.

The tax office will not find flaws in your accounting.

And you can cunningly pull off a secret case.


The assignment will be ambiguous.

A colleague will put pressure on you to make the right decision.

The business partner will agree with your proposal.

After a business trip, you run away to meet friends.


Children will have to pay their debts.

A medical examination will give a satisfactory result.

At work, quickly issue a financial report.


Conflict between parents and your other half.

Children will try to drown out this discord.

And best of all - quickly leave somewhere with your spouse to get distracted.


Anxiety about the health of close relatives.

Tidying up the family library.

Dangerous job done quickly.


Large expenses due to minor problems in children.

Participation in the Mathematical Olympiad with a good result.

Quick and short friendships.


You will blow up a huge problem because of the insignificant remarks of the household.

Everything will be settled when you buy a useful and inexpensive thing for the family, with which you can fix a broken chair.


A relative can get into a difficult situation associated with isolation.

You will use all your strength to help him.

And the nephews will assist you in this matter.