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Aspects of the week.

February 8th.
Mars - Trine - Uranus.
Success in the onslaught strategy.

11 February.
Mercury - Conjunction - Pluto.
The meaning of the word.

Unexpected profit from a job you never imagined.
Discussion with the authorities of the results of the earlier project.

Public or political activity can take an unexpected turn, allowing you to achieve the goal in the shortest possible way.
The exam or test will be passed convincingly.

As a result of investigations, you can unexpectedly reveal a secret or expose ill-wishers.
There is a chance to pay off the loan.

A chance meeting with the right person.
An unexpected proposal for cooperation from a foreign company.
Legal cases are in progress.

In the process of completing the work task, new opportunities will appear or there will be an option to do the job quickly and efficiently.
And besides, you will write a compelling financial statement.

A trip to a spectacular sports performance.
Serious conversation with children about their studies.

An irresistible desire for change will lead to the decision to immediately begin repairs in the house.
Moreover, not ordinary, but with redevelopment.
And also, disassembly of documents.

An unexpected acquaintance in transport or on the street with a unique person.
You will pick up the repaired car from the car service.

Quick profit from the implementation of the rationalization proposal at work.
Find information where to buy a scarce technical part.

Impossible to sit still.
You will want to appear in an original and unusual way, for example, to jump with a parachute.
A serious conversation about a business trip.

Machinations of enemies are possible, but they will manifest themselves in time and will not entail sad consequences.
At your disposal will be secret information about other people's debts.

Participation in protests, mass rallies.
The public speeches of your like-minded people will sound weighty and will be heard in society.