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Aspects of the week.

April 22.

Sun - Square - Pluto.

Disobedience to the team.

25th of April.

Mercury turns forward.

April 28.

Mars - Conjunction - Neptune.

Laxity in action.


The rigid will of the team, imposed on you, regarding the financing of the company.

Alcohol abuse can be hazardous to health.


Losing your position at work due to the suspicion of your superiors.

Blackmail, slander, behind-the-scenes fuss in a group of which you are a member.


Traveling abroad can be dangerous due to social instability.

Conflict of interest at work.

A mistake in your actions will affect your business reputation.


A friend may be faced with difficult life circumstances that threaten his well-being.

Spiritual quest, a trip to holy places.


Strong pressure from business partners or spouse.

Problems in business due to overestimating one’s capabilities and underestimating the cunning of competitors.


Hostility from colleagues, showdowns, difficult situations at work.

Your personal partner will play a dishonest game with you.


Sexual excesses on the side can have a detrimental effect on the main relationship.

Late for work, evasion of official duties.


Dissatisfaction with your family life, family situation and demands for change.

Your love affair may become public.


Danger during travel, injuries and bruises in transport.

But this is a period of fruitful creative work at home.


Pressure in achieving material wealth.

Well, big expenses.

And misunderstandings in relations with relatives.


Your active, even destructive actions may cause harm to your household.

In financial matters, you can be tempted by favorable conditions, which, however, are not guaranteed.


Lots of hidden agendas and worries.

Concern that seems unnecessary to relatives.

A short period of creative inspiration.