info@urania.md 022-755-644

Aspects of the week.

June 11.

Mars - Square - Pluto.

The strongest survives.

12 June.

Mercury - Square - Saturn.

They don't hear us.

June 14.

Sun – Conjunction - Mercury.

Important information.


Illegal actions in an effort to get money or make a profit.

Your car may be sent to the impound lot.


Avoid places with large crowds of people, even if management insists on it.

A lack of money may ruin your plans to meet an old friend.


Long trips where you could be taken into custody or forcibly detained are not advisable. The task you receive from your superiors may turn out to be difficult and impossible to complete.


Danger of being injured due to the fault of a friend in case of handling a weapon.

Your comments on social networks will be censored.

The long trip will be unsuccessful or will be postponed.


Weaknesses in business projects will appear, which may cast doubt on the feasibility of the work.

Alarming information will concern your friends who will find themselves in a dangerous situation.


You may encounter aggression from people of a different nationality or religion. There will be a need to redo work that you thought was already done.


There is a danger of injury from fire or explosion.

You should be wary of sexual violence.

At work, you will be criticized for having an unpopular point of view.


Competitors may enter into an open struggle for a place in the sun.

Children will turn a deaf ear to your warnings not to do anything stupid.


Psychological exhaustion or exacerbation of illnesses due to overload at work.

Your parents will be denied important documents.


Financial losses due to visiting a gaming establishment that has a bad reputation. A normal pace of life can slow down respiratory disease.


There is a tense, psychologically difficult atmosphere in the family.

Losing tickets to a concert or other entertainment event.


Your vehicle may be damaged by fire or explosion.

It will be very difficult or impossible to please dissatisfied relatives in the family.