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Aspects of the week.

May, 23rd.

Retro Mercury returns to Taurus.

May, 23rd.

Sun - Sextile - Jupiter.

The growth of prestige.

May 24th.

Mercury - Sextile - Mars.

Entrepreneurship in business.

May 24th.

Venus - Sextile - Saturn.

Seriousness in feelings.

May 25th.

Mars ingression into Aries.

26 of May.

Mercury - Trine - Pluto.

The meaning of the word.

May 27th.

Venus - Square - Pluto.

Emotional explosion.

May 28

Venus ingression into Taurus.


Successful passing of examinations.

Secret transportation of small contraband.

For women, your “dress code” will not be approved by your superiors.


Buying an expensive item that you won't show to anyone.

Trip with friends.

Obsessive attention from an impudent fellow traveler on a long trip.


A group event where you will be the center of attention.

Finding the right information for a working project.

A close friend can get into a dangerous situation.


Fulfillment of a secret order from the authorities.

Educational trip.

Flirting at work threatens your reputation.


Participation in an educational or scientific seminar.

Preparation of documents for taxes, insurance.

The arrival of a female courier to work will cause a strong reaction among colleagues.


Profit in business, establishing business contacts with foreign countries.

Romantic infatuation with passion and jealousy.


Acquaintance with a foreigner.

Preventive medical examination.

Emotional showdown between parents and spouse.


A colleague at work will return the debt.

Traveling with children to a sporting event.

A relative may have health problems.


Success and popularity in the creative manifestation.

Registration of documents for real estate.

Obsessive shopaholism.


Your assistance to parents in organizing a family banquet.

Participation in the affairs of nephews.

Claims to the household in terms of showing insufficient love for you.


Educational success in children.

Establishment of additional means of communication in the house - a plate, the Internet, a tablet.

A female relative may have emotional experiences.


Buying an expensive chandelier for the house.

Retake your driving test.

Large expenses for collective events.