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Aspects of the week.

9th May.

Sun - Conjunction - Uranus.

Revolutionary update.

12 May.

Mercury - Sextile - Saturn.

Systems thinking.

may 13.

Mercury - Sextile - Venus.


may 13.

Venus - Trine - Saturn.

Seriousness in feelings.


The situation will revolve about how to properly use the financial nest egg to buy a beautiful thing for the house.

Brilliant insight on how to make money.


A brilliant organization of a long-awaited meeting of relatives and friends.

A surge of strength and cosmic energy.


The boss will financially reward you for completing a secret assignment.

You will brilliantly expose the intrigues of ill-wishers.


Thanks to your personal charm and eloquence, you will have the opportunity to conduct a visiting scientific seminar, where you will meet amazing people.


The work will be related to the provision of material assistance to people in need and the collection of necessary insurance documents.


Involvement in solving legal issues of your partners and friends.

An unexpected long trip.


Successfully completed accounting report.

Favorable position of superiors.

Accidentally avoiding a dangerous situation.


Having gone on a romantic trip with your loved one, you have a chance to hear from him a serious proposal.

A business partner will surprise you very much.


Lots of daily chores.

There is a chance to pay off debts or get a debt.

There will be new employees at work.


Children will be able to pass a difficult exam normally.

A reliable relationship will be established with a partner.

You will be carried away by a new game in the network.


Buying a beautiful dog or cat.

Your household will be delighted with the new family member.

A pet in the future will bring you profit through its offspring.


The long-awaited passing of the boring exam will allow you to relax and hang out in the company of nice people.

Surprise from relatives.