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Aspects of the week.

September 15th.

Mercury turns forward.

16 of September.

Sun - Trine - Uranus.

Independence and originality.

September 17.

Venus - Square - Jupiter.

We party in a big way.


Taking a new, unique approach to your work can help you achieve financial success beyond your wildest dreams.

The desire for a luxurious life will become an irresistible temptation.


Circumstances will encourage you to be creative and make spectacular gestures.

You will show excessive generosity towards your loved ones, overestimating their feelings.


Surprises in your home in the form of unexpected guests, which you will be happy about.

Don't believe compliments from your neighbor - she's just jealous of you.


If you are facing an exam in astrology or computer knowledge, it will be unusual and favorable.

You will have the desire to buy yourself a dress or suit that you do not need.


You will receive special attention from your superiors in the form of a salary increase.

But do not lower yourself in his eyes by immodestly agreeing with assessments that are flattering for you.


You will be eager to break out of your usual surroundings and explore new places.

On a long trip you will encounter personal attention from people who pretend to be the wrong person.


You will be able to avoid a dangerous situation due to some mistake, for example, if you get stuck in an elevator, you will avoid an accident.

There will be problems in friendship due to jealousy and envy.


Joining a public organization promises good prospects.

A social event that was publicly advertised is unlikely to live up to expectations.


Communication with your superiors will help you gain greater freedom in performing your job duties.

But expect backhanded compliments and envy from female employees.


On a long trip, unexpected and unique romantic situations are possible.

A less than decent woman may take the initiative in winning your attention.


Quite unexpectedly, you will have the opportunity to use someone else’s property as your own.

The personal partner will show selfish interest in this, disguised as the common good.


There is a chance to direct personal relationships in a new stimulating direction.

Relatives will create trouble for you by exaggerating their frivolous troubles.