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Aspects of the week.

September 3.

Mars – Square - Neptune.

Smeared actions.

September 5.

Mars ingress into Cancer.

September 7.

Mercury – Square - Uranus.

Nervous tension.

September 8.

Sun – Opposition - Saturn.

Strict framework.


Danger of blackmail or denunciation by friends or neighbors you trusted. Endless calls from children who desperately need money.

In terms of health - decreased overall tone and fatigue.


Material losses due to dishonesty of friends.

Irritation from any minor remark from parents.

Problems with children will make you think about your participation in their upbringing.


Under the influence of emotions, you can provoke an awkward situation at work.

You can be unexpectedly blocked on social networks.

Relationships with elderly relatives will be difficult.


On a long trip, you may be lured into a dubious, illegal event.

A quarrel with friends over a little money.

Difficult troubles associated with a car inspection.


A friend may end up in the hospital due to alcohol poisoning.

An order from the boss is not accepted, the information simply does not enter your head.

You will have to change currency at an unfavorable rate.


Due to the dishonesty of a business partner, you have a chance to ruin your reputation.

Unexpected flight cancellation at the airport.

You may encounter legal problems because of a partner.


A business trip will be unreliable due to intrigues on the part of colleagues.

Receiving shocking news from friends.

A pet will need medical care.


Entertainment on the water is fraught with an accident.

Plans at work will change abruptly due to problems with a personal partner.

Radical changes among friends, you will find out who is a true friend and who is a traitor.


Problems in personal relationships due to dishonesty or betrayal of a partner.

No Internet at work, power outages.

Parents with complaints about insufficient attention.


Danger of burns from caustic chemical liquids, especially if you work in transport. A financial adventure is fraught with loss.

On a trip - hours-long queues at customs and traffic jams at the border.


Children can fall under a bad influence.

Breakdown of electrical equipment in the house due to the fault of a partner.

Beware of impact injuries and falls from heights.


An attempt to improve relations with parents will confuse the problem even more.

Acquaintances or relatives with phone calls at the most inopportune time.

At the same time, your loved one is busy with himself and does not hear you.