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Aspects of the week.

September 30.

Mars – Trine - Saturn.

Measuredness and planning of actions.

October 4.

Venus – Trine - Saturn.

Seriousness of feelings.

October 6.

Mercury – Square - Mars.

Words diverge from deeds.


With a sense of accomplishment, you will welcome needy relatives into your home, who will thank you with a gift in the form of valuable antiques.

In relations with your spouse, irritation and verbal squabbles.


A serious decision will be made to take driving courses on the advice of an old friend.

Relations with a former lover may be renewed.

But you will encounter tactlessness on the part of neighbors or colleagues.


Earnings will correspond to the invested efforts.

Work contacts will be both useful and pleasant.

But financial expenses due to an impulsive desire to invest money in shares.


Results in studies, provided serious preliminary preparation.

You may develop a serious relationship with a person from abroad.

But lack of restraint in words and nagging at your household.


Carrying out an important assignment, work to neutralize the enemy.

You will be able to reliably insure your property.

But there is a danger of false information thrown in for a specific purpose.


Involving experienced people in the implementation of plans.

An acquaintance that can develop into a serious feeling.

Financial expenses for the needs of the party or other public organization.


The authorities and recognition of colleagues will help strengthen your position at work. A bonus for a monumental creative project.

But at the end of the week, gossip and extraneous conversations may distract you from work.


Trips abroad for study or an internship.

There you have a chance to meet a loved one from the past.

But quarrels with representatives of the diaspora on national grounds are possible.


You will show the fortitude of a tin soldier in a dangerous situation.

Return of loved ones from distant places.

However, receiving bad information about a friend.


Cooperation with old partners, help from experienced people.

A friendly meeting with reliable friends.

But an emergency at work at the end of the week and comments from the boss.


A large amount of work, which you will cope with and receive a well-deserved reward. Favorable disposition of the boss.

Although on a business trip you risk catching a respiratory disease.


Beginning of the training cycle.

Establishing contact with a necessary and pleasant person from abroad.

Problems in relationships with children due to irascibility and lack of restraint in words.