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May - spring is in full swing, the most fertile time: not yet hot, but no longer cold. The air is filled with the scents of flowers. I want to live, breathe deeply and believe in the best, no matter what!

16.05 – Mercury moves into the sign of Taurus. The speed of thinking decreases, all information is not immediately absorbed. Conflict is minimized, but stubbornness increases. New acquaintances are made slowly. Good for work and study, where perseverance and quality are required. The material incentive will give its results.

20.05 – The Sun moves into the sign of Gemini. The period is favorable for studying, self-education, passing exams, defending theses and dissertations. At this time, it is good to start new work of an intellectual nature or return to something left earlier and finish it. A good time for writing or journalistic work.

23.05 – Venus moves into the sign of Gemini. I want ease and change in relationships. The need for new sensations can result from short duration of contacts. Love will turn out to be fleeting and will dry up at the moment when the partners have nothing to say to each other.

26.05 – Jupiter moves into the sign of Gemini and will remain there for a whole year! Jupiter is the planet of great opportunity, luck, growth and spiritual knowledge. It will give us more activity in the field of communication. There will be a desire to learn new skills and improve your qualifications. This is a good time to promote your project on social networks and public speaking. There may be changes in social terms, as well as instability of goals.

Try not to miss opportunities, as this period may be accompanied by excessive fuss, an overabundance of information, excessive communication (it will become more difficult to remain silent). Do not make rash, hasty decisions, especially if it concerns something very important.

Remember what happened in your life 12 years ago. Some moments may repeat themselves!

Favorable days May 2024

(We use these days taking into account the above recommendations; these are periods while the Moon, before leaving the sign, is only on harmonious aspects).

05/2/2024, 21:52 - 05/4/2024, 22:05 – Moon in Pisces

The moon, however, is waning, the sign of Pisces does not give tone, on the contrary, it relaxes us, we do not get involved in stories that require a lot of effort and time. But, if you trust your inner feelings, there will be more results. Intuition during this period will help in solving both global problems and the most common everyday issues.

4.05.2024, 23:41 - 6.05.2024, 8:56 – Moon in Aries

Happy Easter, friends! Active and energetic attitude, desire to accomplish as much as possible and as quickly as possible. But this is the end of the cycle, the period of the “Balsamic Moon”, not the time for important decisions, it is good for completing what was previously started, for internal work. Therefore, do not give in to the impulses of the Aries Moon, wait a couple of days if you need to start something.

05/13/2024, 8:00 - 12:12 – Moon in Cancer

The moon is in a strong sign for itself, in growth - a calm start to the week. Good for beginnings, launching promising projects, development. Get involved in the processes calmly, without fuss, with trust, and caring for your loved ones will certainly give a response and create a sincere atmosphere.

05/27/2024, 6:40 - 23:01 – Moon in Capricorn

If you get together, concentrate, carefully plan your time and act as clearly and organizedly as possible, then the day promises to be very productive. Favorable for shopping, learning, and launching long-term projects.

05/31/2024, 11:30 - 06/1/2024, 5:54 – Moon in Pisces

The work week ends in a calm rhythm. Use the rules: if you don’t have time to do something, slow down, and the right decision may not always be logical. A good day for psychological and meditative practices, good to go to the pool. Good for buying shoes.