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Venus retrograde from March 5, 2017 to April 16, 2017.

A retrograde planet is when, from the point of view of an earthly observer, it moves in the opposite direction in the Zodiac. "Backing back" in 2017 Venus in Aries and Pisces. A retro turn is at 14 degrees Aries, and a straight turn is at 26 degrees Pisces. Thus, during the period of the reverse movement, Venus from March 5 to April 3 is in Aries, and from April 3 to 16 looks into Pisces. It is worth noting that, in fact, Venus moves in its orbit, without stopping and without turning anywhere, and we see the Earth due to the relative difference in speeds, its backward movement. And not just to see, but to be felt and has its effect on our daily life. The basic rule for interpreting a retrograde planet is the weakening of its external functions and the strengthening of its internal ones.

For example, during the period of direct Venus, external manifestations of love are more important, and during the retrograde period, we pay more attention to the internal connection, we will focus on internal values. We can even get confused in our romantic feelings (experiencing a state in which we seem to want something, but it is difficult to determine what exactly). When it comes to some astrological factor, it is always useful to look back and remember how it was. Venus goes retrograde every year and a half. Accordingly, the previous time this astrological phenomenon took place from July 25, 2015 to September 6, 2015. This information is for everyone to refer to their experience, and for those who are interested, I think it is not difficult to raise other periods.

The experience of a retrograde planet is, alternatively, the return of something or someone from the past. Venus is the planet responsible for our feelings, emotional experiences. During the period of retrograde, for example, old acquaintances may appear in our lives, with whom something more than business communication was connected ... (my young daughter literally every day excitedly tells me about meetings with her gentlemen from the past). Someone will be drawn to paints, as a pleasant memory of childhood and art school, and someone will sit down at an old detuned piano, which has been gathering dust in oblivion for a long time. A feature of the movement of Venus this year is a tense connection with Saturn, the planet of restrictions, debts, and responsibility. What can give a depressed emotional state. Experiences or events are likely that will remind you of past negative experiences, and it is best to rethink it, draw the right conclusions so that you do not repeat such mistakes in the future. Below I offer practical and very useful recommendations from the article of my colleague, teacher of the Moscow

Academy of Astrology: What can you do during this period you can go back to past attachments. Retro Venus often gives this chance. For this reason, people from the past can now appear in our lives by themselves; it is possible and necessary to dot all the “and” in relations that were not previously brought to a logical end: either start them anew, or completely stop; meet old friends; renew old cordial acquaintances (call those whom you have long wanted to call, but did not succeed); start looking for a model of a wedding dress (but do not buy until the end of retrograde); prepare an idea for a gift or surprise, but do not buy the gift itself yet; make an audit in the wardrobe and get rid of unnecessary things; take up an abandoned hobby (sew, knit, finish previously started needlework); be engaged in the completion of repairs, amendments to the interior design. What not to do at this time start relationships if you expect reliability from them; propose and plan a wedding; lending and borrowing money; sign documents, contracts, securities, after the end of retrograde you will understand that the conditions are not as favorable as they seemed; launch a new financial project; buy real estate or expensive interior attributes (later it turns out that you overpaid or find flaws); hold an auction for the sale of art objects; open art exhibitions; hold presentations of everything that may be related to the beauty industry; buy jewelry and art; go to the stylist, hairdresser, do new cosmetic procedures, cosmetic surgery is prohibited at this time; buy new clothes and accessories.