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Favorable days March 2025

(We use these days taking into account the above recommendations, these are periods while the Moon before leaving the sign goes only on harmonious aspects).

03/03/2025, 17:30 - 03/05/2025, 12:53 - Moon in Taurus

A strong position for the Moon, an emotionally comfortable, productive period. A good time for practical, objective activities, for example, working with your hands. Pay attention to your body, home, loved ones. Treat yourself to delicious food.

03/08/2025, 12:20 - 03/09/2025, 23:31 - Moon in Cancer

On these festive weekends, the position of the Moon in the sign associated with family values ​​is very symbolic. A holiday for loved ones in a comfortable, warm atmosphere, with delicious home-cooked food, promises to be successful.

03/19/2025, 10:45 - 03/19/2025, 21:27 - Moon in Scorpio

The day is intense, if you seriously get involved in the process, you can be very productive. You will have enough strength to do what feels difficult for you. A good period for getting rid of unnecessary things, connections.

03/24/2025, 1:25 - 03/24/2025, 17:00 - Moon in Capricorn

Capricorn is difficult for the Moon. On such days, we can be overly constrained. But during this period, thanks to harmonious aspects, we can be very productive. Do practical things, today it is much easier to get together and do boring but important work. 31.03.2025, 3:55 - 1.04.2025, 19:42 – Moon in Taurus

Start the week without rush and fuss, in a good mood, from a state of inner satisfaction with yourself and the world. Take on first of all the things that bring pleasure and joy, this is the key not only to their successful completion, but also to a successful day.