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Aries have started a new cycle since last year. The year begins with an optimistic attitude, the desire to develop, the desire to realize the huge number of opportunities offered by the world (Jupiter in the 1st house).

The period of transformations in the financial sector has been going on for several years, the topic is not stable and will be so for some time, but since May, improvements in finances, promising projects are expected, new practical skills will be acquired, unusual ways of earning money will be found, we can expect an increase salaries.

In the spring and early June, many Aries will feel a surge of strength, a desire to change their lives. Changes are expected in the circle of friends.

From the beginning of March and for 2.5 years, a period begins when you have to pay special attention to your health. Some people may have chronic illnesses. Possible psychological difficulties, a state of depression. Someone may lose interest in their activities, and some may switch to remote work. (Saturn on 12d)

For Taurus, the testing period continues (Uranus in Taurus). Constantly something knocks out of the comfort zone, which is exactly what they need. But this year, we hasten to reassure, life will be perceived more optimistically, especially from May - the beginning of the cycle of Jupiter, 12 years long, will open up new perspectives, there will be strength to live and want. The higher and more altruistic the goals, the more successful the period. Moreover, in the spring you seriously think about how wealthy past aspirations are. Some will take the first step into something new, such as changing their profession.

Your dreams this year can take on very concrete and very prosaic outlines. But this will give a reliable foothold and an understanding of what to focus on so as not to waste energy in vain. The circle of communication can be very narrowed, some of your friends will lose interest in you, and someone will not be interesting to you. And someone who is dear will have to be separated due to objective circumstances.

At the beginning of the year, Gemini can count on the support of friends (Jupiter at 11 d). Informal groups will be a source of joy, a place of unloading from everyday worries. From the end of May, many will want to be alone more often, it’s good if these are trips to nature, to places of power, monasteries. Success is possible through remote work. (Jupiter at 12d)

From March and for 2.5 years it will not be easy (Saturn at 10 d), they will need patience, diligence, responsibility and self-discipline. It is this year that connivance is not allowed, it is important to try to do everything efficiently and professionally. If there is no confidence, do not take it, honesty is also in honor. Get ready for loads. In order to cope with everything and be in time, it is reasonable to allocate time. Parents will demand attention - also as a zone of our responsibility.

In the spring, Pluto enters Aquarius for a short time, for Gemini, this is the time when the picture of the world can begin to change, and from 2024 this process will turn on irreversibly. This will push someone to move in the future, someone will decide to get a new education, and someone may even change their egregor and switch to another religious system.

Since last year, Cancers have been actively involved in the process of implementing a social program, professional development, many already have their own achievements, awards and victories. And the beginning of the year promises to be fruitful and successful (Jupiter in the house of career until May of this year). But, the opportunity to move in this direction will still appear in the second half of the year (the North Node will enter at 10). A good time to launch new projects, take the chance to try yourself in a new role.

From the end of May, interaction with friends, like-minded people comes to the fore (Jupiter goes to the 11th house). New perspectives may open up. It is useful to dream, to create thought forms that will certainly come true in the future. You can count on the support of friends.

At the beginning of the year, be vigilant, take care of yourself. The difficult period has been going on for more than 2 years, someone's health has been affected, someone's finances. (Saturn is still in the 8th house until March).

From the end of March to mid-June, there can be a turbulent period that can unbalance, make you worry, and mobilize someone, give determination, especially for those who are not used to backing down in the face of difficulties. These are the first signs of what can be realized in full force later, starting in 2024.

Many Lions will probably celebrate the new year on a journey. At least there will be such an opportunity. Many expect success in their studies, teaching, scientific activities (Jupiter at 9 d).

From the end of May, Jupiter reaches the culmination point, here all the merits over the past 10 years will be visible. Possible promotion, reward, status change. If there is a need to change jobs, then use the period, you can find a decent option. By the way, for those who are relevant - a successful marriage is possible. All these events will bring some stability to this area, which has been very unstable for several years.

From March, Saturn moves out of the realm of relationships, and you will feel a warming. But it will move into the sphere of foreign resources, which can limit financial flows. Not the best time for the next couple of years to enter into debt obligations, without urgent need. Take care of yourself, stay calm and balanced.

And the first entry of Pluto into Aquarius, for Leo, is a point of partnership. The topic of relationships will be shaken up, after the cold of Saturn, it can be very unusual and very different. Ideally, a dormant passion can flare up with renewed vigor. Or maybe hate. If you want to save a relationship, get rid of condemnation and claims.

Since last year and until the end of May, this Virgo has a favorable period for solving financial issues, as well as improving health. You can get sponsorship, inheritance, get a loan on favorable terms. There is an opportunity to recover thanks to health, energy practices. This will be especially true in the spring and early June. Pluto will touch the sphere of health, and something to do with this will become an urgent need. And also, serious processes and tests are expected at work, learn to take a hit.

From the end of May, Jupiter will move into the realm of travel and study. A lot of new opportunities for learning and knowledge will open up. The boundaries will expand thanks to travel. Interest in other cultures, religions is possible.

Since March, the topic of partnership and relationships will become important. Within 2.5 years, the relationship will undergo a Saturnian test of strength. And this applies to both personal life and the business sphere. For example, someone will feel a chill in a relationship with a loved one. And someone will finally legitimize them. If you change jobs, then adaptation in a new team can be a test, but everything will be organized and clear in it.

Libra, for the most part, will celebrate the new year in the circle of people they like - loved ones, friends. Since last year, Jupiter has been walking in the sphere of relations until mid-May of this, bringing in a positive and optimistic background. Someone will meet a worthy partner, someone will make an offer, and for many, the atmosphere in an existing marriage will improve. A good time for those who are engaged in public, consulting, teaching activities is a period of success, growth in popularity and recognition.

From the second half of May, Jupiter will move into the next sphere - the 8th house. From this period, improvements in the financial sector can be expected, especially since the situation has been extremely unstable for several years now - Uranus does not allow you to relax. Take advantage of the moment, because there is an opportunity for successful investment, you can take a loan on favorable terms, get the support of sponsors.

Since March, Libra will have more worries, responsibilities and responsibilities at work and at home, but there will also be more clarity and clarity, which have been sorely lacking in the last few years, because Neptune brings chaos and relaxes.

From the end of March to the beginning of June - the period of the first short entry of Pluto into the sphere that determines our attitude to life, where deep, qualitative changes are expected. Finally, he will enter there only next year, and in this "general rehearsal". Many will experience intense feelings, infatuation with someone or something. Try to avoid destructive emotions, as it will be destructive for you first of all.

Scorpios will meet the year in pleasant worries and chores. There are many obligations, but the work is rewarded, gratitude from the world is felt. Jupiter in the house of work opens up opportunities to find an interesting and worthy business for oneself, to improve one's health. Use for whom it is relevant - there is time until mid-May.

Next, Jupiter will move into the sphere of relationships (7th house), opening up prospects: for singles to meet their other half, or to reach a new level in an existing relationship. And against the background of Saturn in the 5th house, only those relationships will begin and grow stronger, where the seriousness of intentions will be visible. Therefore, they promise to be sustainable and long lasting. Many Scorpios will become more popular, especially those whose activities involve people. For example, the customer base may increase significantly.

Saturn will settle in the 5th house from March - children will require closer attention and strict control. And someone will note that there is almost no time left for rest and entertainment.

The main event of the year - the entry of Pluto into Aquarius will touch Scorpions for a vulnerable place - the sphere of the family, at home. From the end of March to mid-June, the situation in the house may not be simple. Significant psychological adjustments will begin, but the process will continue in 2024.

Who likes to really have fun, celebrate the new year with Sagittarius. Their natural enthusiasm and optimism, plus the transit of Jupiter through the 5th house - the house of entertainment, and the holiday will be grandiose and not forgotten. Until mid-May, this transit situation is maintained, bringing positive and joyful events. Someone will fall in love, someone will have a child or a new hobby.

Next, Jupiter will move into the sphere of work and health. It is possible to improve working conditions, promotion. There may be a desire and opportunity to change jobs to a freer and more prestigious one. A good time to take care of your health.

Since March, Saturn will enter the sphere of the family and stay here for more than 2 years. Household chores can feel like stress and stress. For some, parents or other household members will require more attention, others will be puzzled by repairs, and others may need to be forced to solve the housing problem.

For Sagittarians, Pluto's pivot will touch on the topic of loved ones and learning. From the end of March to the middle of June, pupils and students will seriously think about whether to change the educational institution. Tensions are likely in communication with loved ones, neighbors. It is recommended to show patience and prudence.

Since last year, many Capricorns feel especially happy at home, among relatives and relatives. And someone probably found such a place. If not, then even before mid-May, Jupiter contributes to the successful resolution of the housing issue, the improvement of the family situation. Further, the topic of children, for parents, love and romantic relationships, for those who are free, will become more relevant. Jupiter moves into the sphere of the 5th house. Pragmatic and rational Capricorns will become more reckless, playful, ready to take risks. Perhaps someone will have a new hobby, and someone will start their own business.

Since March, many will feel better. For more than two years, Saturn has been stressing the topic of health and money. Many had to intensively maintain their body, which required additional costs. Since March, study, any activity related to information will require special attention and maximum efforts. Difficulties and delays in documents are possible. Narrow your social circle. There may be tension in relations with brothers, sisters, or they have difficulties, and your help will be needed.

This year for Capricorns is the year of the completion of an important stage, Pluto has greatly changed your life, and for many, the body. If everything went like this, then you became stronger, deeper, acquired stress resistance, leadership qualities. And in the spring and early summer, he will briefly touch on the topic of resources in order to finally enter it in 2024. Someone will be interested in investing, someone will think about a business project, or just about radically changing the way they earn money. For example, someone at the previous stage took up energy practices, and now they will decide to become an instructor.

In Aquarius, the year begins with travel, communication. Many people are ready to meet the New Year at a party or receive guests at home - Jupiter in the 3rd house gives a desire to be in big interesting companies, communicate with friends, relatives, get impressions of new places, people. Someone has started studying or is going to get involved in this process - there is time until mid-May.

Then Jupiter will move into the sphere of family and home. A good time to buy real estate, improve living conditions - you can ennoble your nest, make repairs, buy furniture. Someone's family will expand, new members will appear, for example, a daughter-in-law or son-in-law.

Since March, you will begin to treat money and material resources more reasonably and rationally. Some will have to use the funds set aside for a rainy day. But do not fall into pessimism, you just have to change priorities a little. For example, you need to pay attention to your health and invest in it now, otherwise a real “rainy day” will come.

Pluto this year will look into the sign of Aquarius, so for you Aquarius is a grand event. On a serious note, of course, everything will start next year, but here there will be the first signals, watch yourself with interest. From the end of March to mid-June, many will feel strength, pressure, and confidence in themselves. And others will notice magnetism and attractiveness in you. The main thing is to act reasonably, avoiding conflicts, which is also possible.

Many Pisces begin the year with a pleasant feeling of prosperity, with a desire to live in a big way. Someone's salary was raised, entrepreneurs' profits increased, and parents give schoolchildren more pocket money. This period lasts until mid-May, a good time for large purchases. Avoid excesses, especially in nutrition, take care of the liver.

From the second half of May, Jupiter will move into the sphere of the immediate environment and study. You can count on the support of loved ones, or you will have the opportunity to support one of your relatives in deed and word. Students can improve their academic performance by being more motivated to study.

Starting in March and over the next two and a half years, Pisces will become more demanding and serious about themselves. For example, responsibility for someone or for some business may be assigned. And this additional load will require a lot of strength, concentration and maturity. The main thing is not to let negative states take over you.

The entry of Pluto into Aquarius in Pisces launches a new stage of internal restructuring. From the end of March to the middle of June, many representatives of this sign will feel a deep need to immerse themselves in their inner states, experiences, and get an unusual experience. For example, the experience of regressions through hypnosis or breathing practices. This is a very important part of life for Pisces, where it is often quiet and calm, not disturbed for a long time, and already next year, the process will begin thoroughly and for a long time.