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Spring has come, and every woman wants to be transformed, to "bloom" together with nature. And we have prepared for you, our dear ones (not only women, but also men), a haircut calendar for April. After all, we have noticed more than once that we seem to be going to the same master, but the result is different. Therefore, our article is for clients to help them choose the best days for beauty, and for masters, for increased attention and diligence on difficult days. After all, nobody canceled the job. And you have to bring beauty on “not the most successful” days as well. So we wish everyone good luck.

So, the phases of the moon have a huge impact on our health, well-being, both physical and mental, since the energy of the moon affects all life on Earth. Our ancestors knew about this influence and planned their activities taking into account the phases of the moon.

In this way:

- if we want renewal and rapid hair growth, then it is necessary to get a haircut on the growing moon;

- if we want the hair to grow more slowly, or the hair structure becomes thinner, then we choose the phase of the Waning Moon. For example, you are the owner of a hard hair type and want to soften it a little, or you are choosing a period for epilation or sugaring;

April is a tough month this year. Until April 15, Venus, the planet of beauty and femininity, is in Retrograde. And therefore, it is not recommended to visit a hairdresser at this time, especially a new one, since the hairstyle or haircut will not meet your expectations, and it will not be what you planned for yourself. But if an urgent need nevertheless arose, then it is better to sign up for a trusted master on April 5 or 8.

Starting from April 16, Venus becomes direct, and then we can go shopping or to a beauty salon with confidence. If you want your hair to grow faster, be strong and healthy, then definitely sign up for April 27th.

But if you want a short haircut and keep it in shape for as long as possible, then the right days are April 16, 17.

Unsuitable days for restoring beauty are April 22, 24. Try to avoid any hair and beauty treatments as the result can be unpredictable and with long lasting effects as the Moon is Waning during this period.

We wish you the most successful haircuts, hairstyles and shopping!