022-755-644   +373 79366431

She was born on May 25, 1964 in Chisinau. I have been fond of astrology since school. In high school, I wanted to find an appropriate university, but astrology was not legalized then.

In 1981 she entered the Chisinau State University at the Faculty of Mathematics and Cybernetics (specialty - Applied Mathematics). She graduated from the University in 1986 and until 1992 worked as an engineer at the Scientific Research Center for Electronic Computing Technology (NICEVT).

She began studying astrology in earnest in 1990.

Starting moment in teaching (astrology) since autumn 1992.

In 1996 she defended her diploma from the Moscow Academy of Astrology and lectured at the Center

Astrological Research (CAI) in Chisinau under the leadership of Kucherenko Galina Alexandrovna until 1998.

From 1998 to 2004 taught astrology at the Association of Astrologers of Moldova under the leadership of Gagara Ludmila Sergeevna. Almost in parallel from 2001 to 2004. worked as a teacher of astrology at the Society "Living Ethics" at the Slavic University.

From 2004 to the present, I have been working at the Center for Astrological Research (Chisinau) under the guidance of Vishnevskaya Zinaida Mikhailovna.

From 1995 to 2002 read weekly astrological forecasts on Radio Moldova.

In 1996-97 published astrological notes of a general educational direction in the local newspaper "DAAK-Germes".

In 2000, she participated in the Republican Conference with a report on the sinking of a submarine

"Kursk"; in 2006 - at a local conference with a report on the practice of astrological counseling; in 2012 - at the Conference dedicated to the 20th anniversary of astrology in Moldova, she made a report on the Polish plane crash that occurred in April 2010 near Smolensk.

Specifically, I am engaged in natal analysis, forecasting personal events in people, horary, elective, synastric astrology.

I am also very interested in catastrophe astrology.ina Varticean Astrolog