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Astro forecast from October 23 to October 29, 2023.

Aspects of the week. October 23. Sun ingression into Scorpio. October 24. Sun - Trine - Saturn. If it is necessary, then it is necessary. 28 of October. Mars - Opposition - Jupiter. A lot of effort in achieving the goal. 29th of October. Mercury - Opposition - Jupiter. False promises. 29th of October. Mercury - Conjunction - Mars. Said and done.


Astro forecast from October 16 to October 22, 2023.

Aspects of the week. The 20th of October. Sun - Conjunction - Mercury. Activity of thinking. October 21. Mercury - Square - Pluto. Acuteness and sarcasm. October 21. Sun - Square - Pluto. Disobedience to the majority. 22 of October. Mercury ingression into Scorpio. 22 of October. Venus - Trine - Jupiter. Charm. 22 of October. Mercury - Trine - Saturn. Serious contacts.


Astro forecast from October 9 to October 15, 2023.

Aspects of the week. October 9. Venus ingression into Virgo. October 9. Mars - Square - Pluto. Danger from the crowd. October 10. Pluto turns forward. October 10. Venus - Opposition - Saturn. Cooling of feelings. October 12. Mars ingression into Scorpio. October 13. Mars - Trine - Saturn. Physical work.


Astro forecast from October 2 to October 8, 2023.

Aspects of the week. 2 October. Mercury - Opposition - Neptune. Illusions and misconceptions. October 3. Mercury - Trine - Pluto. The meaning of the word. October 5. Mercury ingression into Libra.


Astro forecast October 2023

Mid-autumn! Nature delights us with its amazing colorful pictures. Walk more often and enjoy the last warm days. This is the best way to avoid conflicts and showdowns.


Astro forecast from September 25 to October 1, 2023.

Aspects of the week. September 25. Mercury - Trine - Jupiter. Expanding your horizons. September 29. Venus - Square - Uranus. Romantic eccentricities.


Astro forecast from September 18 to September 24, 2023.

Aspects of the week. September 19. Sun - Opposition - Neptune. Blurred state. September 21. Sun - Trine - Pluto. Concentration of collective energy. 23 September. Sun ingression in Libra.


Astro forecast from September 11 to September 17, 2023.

Aspects of the week. September 15th. Mercury turns forward. 16 of September. Sun - Trine - Uranus. Independence and originality. September 17. Venus - Square - Jupiter. We party in a big way.


Astro forecast from 4 to 10 September 2023

Aspects of the week. 4 September. Venus turns forward. 4 September. Jupiter turns back. 4 September. Mercury - Trine - Jupiter. Breadth of interests. 6 September. Sun - Conjunction - Mercury. Strengthening ingenuity. 8 September. Sun - Trin - Jupiter. Generosity in manifestation.


Astro forecast September 2023

Autumn is already on the doorstep! Summer, holidays and heat behind! And although workdays are coming, there will always be time to enjoy the autumn beauty!
