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Astro forecast from 24 to 30 July 2023

Aspects of the week. July 24th. Mercury - Square - Uranus. Information overload. July 27th. Mercury - Conjunction - Venus. contacts. July 28th. Mercury ingression into Virgo.


Astro forecast from 17 to 23 July 2023

Aspects of the week. July 17th. Mercury - Square - Jupiter. Boasting. July 20. Mars - Opposition - Saturn. Activity restriction. 22 July. Sun - Opposition - Pluto. Disobedience to the team. 23 July. Sun ingression into Leo.


Astro forecast from 10 to 16 July 2023

Aspects of the week. 10 July. Mars ingression into Virgo. 10 July. Mercury Opposition Pluto. Brain looping. July 11th. Mercury ingression into Leo. July 15. Sun - Sextile - Uranus. Irregular manifestation.


Astro forecast from 3 to 9 July 2023

Aspects of the week. 3 July. Venus - Square - Uranus. Love agony. July 7th Mercury - Sextile - Uranus. Smart ideas. July 9th Mercury - Trine - Neptune. mental fantasies.


Astro forecast July 2023

The height of summer, nature pleases the eye, and the weather indulges! It's time to relax and recharge!


Astro forecast from 19 to 25 June 2023

Aspects of the week. June 19. Sun - Square - Neptune. High suggestibility. June 19. Jupiter - Sextile - Saturn. Social achievements. 21st of June. Sun ingression into Cancer. 21st of June. Mercury - Sextile - Mars. Enterprise.


Astro forecast from 12 to 18 June 2023

Aspects of the week. June 15th. Mercury - Square - Saturn. Difficulty concentrating. June 17. Mercury - Sextile - Venus. Nice talking.


Astro forecast from 5 to 11 June 2023

Aspects of the week. June 5th Venus ingression into Leo. June 5th Venus Opposition Pluto. Fatal infatuation. June 10th. Mercury - Sextile - Neptune. intellectual fantasies. June 11. Pluto retro ingression into Capricorn. The intensity of thought. June 11. Mercury ingression into Gemini. June 11. Venus - Square - Jupiter. Thirst for entertainment.


Astro forecast June 2023

Summer has come! And I really want to fully enjoy this wonderful time of the year, no matter what!


Astro forecast from May 29 to June 4, 2023

Aspects of the week. June 3rd. Venus - Trine - Neptune. Romantic inspiration. June 4th. Mercury - Conjunction - Uranus. Originality of ideas.
