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Astro forecast March 2023

Here comes spring! We are waiting for a month full of astrological events. Saturn and Pluto move into new signs. On March 21, the next, astrological New Year begins! On the same day we celebrate the Spring Equinox. Our ancestors believed that on this day, light and darkness are divided equally, and then renewals in nature begin.


Astrotrogenosis from February 27 to March 5, 2023.

Aspects of the week. 2nd of March. Venus - Jupiter Jupiter. Sensation of the holiday. 2nd of March. Mercury - Connection - Saturn. Systemic thinking. From March 2 to 3. Mercury Ingression in Pisces.


Astro forecast from 20 to 26 February 2023

Aspects of the week. 20th of March. Venus Ingression Aries. March 21st to 22nd. Mercury - Square - Uranus. Information overload. March 22. Mercury - Trin - Mars. Entrepreneurship in action.


Astro forecast from 13 to 19 February 2023

Aspects of the week. February, 15. Venus - Conjunction - Neptune. Sentimentality and sensitivity. February 16th. Sun - Conjunction - Saturn. Concentration. 18th of Febuary. Mercury - Sextile - Jupiter. Expanding horizons. From 18 to 19 February. Sun ingression into Pisces. February 19th. Venus - Sextile - Pluto. The power of feelings.


Astro forecast from 6 to 12 February 2023

Aspects of the week. February 6. Mercury - Sextile - Neptune. Fascination with secrets. February 8th. Venus - Sextile - Uranus. Improvisation in love. February 10th. Mercury - Conjunction - Pluto. Power of persuasion. 11 February. Mercury ingression into Aquarius.


Astro forecast February 2023

This is the last month of winter! Although there is still tension in the air, I want to believe that the worst is over! A positive attitude will help us!


Astro forecast from January 30 to February 5, 2023

Aspects of the week. January 30. Mercury - Trine - Uranus. Genius ideas. February 4th. Sun - Square - Uranus. Excitement and tension. February 5th. Venus - Square - Mars. Emotional conflicts, jealousy.


Astro forecast from 23 to 29 January 2023

Aspects of the week. The 25th of January. Sun - Sextile - Jupiter. Optimism and self-confidence. January 27th. Venus ingression into Pisces. January 29. Sun - Trin - Mars. Uplifting, free energy.


Astro forecast from 16 to 22 January 2023

Aspects of the week. January 18th. Mercury turns forward. January 18th. Sun - Conjunction - Pluto. January 20th. Sun ingression into Aquarius. January 22. Venus - Conjunction - Saturn. Seriousness of feelings. January 22. Uranus turns forward.


Astro forecast from 9 to 15 January 2023

Aspects of the week. January 9. Venus - Trine - Mars. Sensual pleasures. January 12th. Mars turns forward. 13th of January. Sun - Sextile - Neptune. Expansion of perception. January 15. Venus - Square - Uranus. Emotional Torment.
