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Astro forecast from 14 to 20 November 2022

Aspects of the week. 15th of November. Mercury - Sextile - Pluto. The word as an instrument of influence. 15th of November. Sun - Trine - Neptune. Expansion of perception. 15th of November. Venus - Trine - Jupiter. Feeling the harmony of life. November 16th. Mercury - Trine - Jupiter. Expanding horizons. November 16th. Venus ingression into Sagittarius. November 17th. Mercury ingression into Sagittarius. November 18th. Sun - Sextile - Pluto.n. November 19th. Mars - Square - Neptune.


Astro forecast from 7 to 13 November 2022

Aspects of the week. November 7th. Venus - Square - Saturn. Cooling of the senses. November 8th. Moon eclipse. November 8th. Sun - Conjunction - Mercury. verbal activity. November 9. Mercury - Opposition - Uranus. Chaos in contacts. November 9. Sun - Opposition - Uranus. The hustle and bustle. 10th of November. Mercury - Square - Saturn. Communication fatigue. 10th of November. Veneroa - Trine - Neptune. Fine understanding of beauty. 11th of November. Sun - Square - Saturn. Exaggerated self-criticism.


Astro forecast November 2022

Here is the last month of autumn, every sunny day pleases us! And despite all the difficulties of this period, we, rustling and admiring the colorful leaves, are slowly approaching winter.


Astro forecast from October 31 to November 6, 2022

Aspects of the week. the 3rd of November. Venus - Conjunction - South Node. Emotional numbness. November 6th. Venus Opposition Uranus. Sensual adventures.


Astro forecast from 24 to 30 October 2022

Aspects of the week. 27th October. Mercury - Trine - Mars. Entrepreneurship and determination. 27th October. Mercury - Square - Pluto. Freudian slips. 28 of October. Retro Jupiter moves into Pisces. 29th of October. Mercury ingression into Scorpio. October 30. Mars is turning back.


Astro forecast from 17 to 23 October 2022

Aspects of the week. 18 October. Sun - Trine - Mars. Bold behaviour. 19 October. Venus - Trine - Mars. Dynamics in romantic relationships. 19 October. Sun - Square - Pluto. Overvoltage. The 20th of October. Venus Square - Pluto. Emotional agitation. October 23. Sun - Conjunction - Venus. Vivid feelings. October 23. Mercury - Trine - Saturn. Systematic thinking. October 23. The Sun is ingression into Scorpio. October 23. Vengera - ingression into Scorpio. October 23. Saturn turns forward.


Astro forecast from 10 to 16 October 2022

Aspects of the week. October 11. Mercury ingression into Libra. 12 October. Sun - Trine - Saturn. Concentration. 12 October. Mars - Square - Neptune. Blurred action. 12 October. Mercury Opposition Jupiter. Failure to fulfill promises. October 14. Venus - Trine - Saturn. Seriousness in a relationship.


Astro forecast from 3 to 9 October 2022

Aspects of the week. October 3rd. Mercury turns forward. October 7th. Mercury - Trine - Pluto. Intensive intellectual activity. October 8th. Pluto turns forward.


Astro forecast October 2022

Here comes October! Nature pleases us with its amazing multi-colored paintings, despite the tension that reigns around. Walk more often, if possible, and enjoy the last warm days. This is the best way to avoid conflicts and showdown.


Astro forecast from September 26 to October 2, 2022

Aspects of the week. September 26th. Venus - Trine - Pluto. The need for love. September 26th. Mercury - Conjunction - Venus. Selectivity in contacts. September 26th. Sun - Opposition - Jupiter. Paphos and arrogance. September 27. Mercury - Trine - Pluto. The power of a word. September 28th. Mars - Trine - Saturn. Physical work. October 1st. Venus Opposition Jupiter. Excessive requirements.
