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Astro forecast from 19 to 25 September 2022

Aspects of the week. September 19th. Sun - Trine - Pluto. Belonging to an egregore. September 20th. Venus - Trine - Uranus. Non-standard sensory experience. 23 September. Sun ingression into Libra. 23 September. Sun - Conjunction - Mercury. Subjectivity of thinking. September 24th. Venus Opposition Neptune. Romantic fantasies.


Astro forecast from 12 to 18 September 2022

Aspects of the week. September 16th. Venus - Square - Mars. Sensual tension. September 17th. Sun - Opposition - Neptune. Perceptual distortion. From 18 to 19 September. Mercury Opposition Jupiter. Fake promises.


Astro forecast from 5 to 11 September 2022

Aspects of the week. September 5. Venus ingression into Virgo. 10 September. Mercury turns back. 11 September. Sun - Trine - Uranus. Revolutionary update.


Astro forecast from August 29 to September 4, 2022

Aspects of the week. September 1. Mars - Sextile - Jupiter. Movement towards the goal. September 3rd. Mercury Opposition Jupiter. underestimation of the situation.


Astro forecast September 2022

Autumn is already on the doorstep! Summer, holidays and heat behind! And although workdays are coming, there will always be time to enjoy the autumn beauty!


Astro forecast from 22 to 28 August 2022

Aspects of the week. 22 August. Mercury - Trine - Pluto. Power of persuasion. August 23. Sun ingression into Virgo. August, 26th. Mercury ingression into Libra. August 27th. Venus - Square - Uranus. Emotional instability. August 27th. Sun - Square - Mars. Rudeness and conflict. August 28. Venus Opposition Saturn. Cooling of the senses.


Astro forecast from 15 to 21 August 2022

Aspects of the week.15 August. Mars - Trine - Pluto. Courage and determination. August 16. Mercury - Trine - Uranus. Fountain of ideas. August 18th. Venus - Trine - Jupiter. Favorable impression. August 21st. Mercury Opposition Neptune. Distracted attention. August 20th. Mars ingression into Gemini.


Astro forecast from 8 to 14 August 2022

Aspects of the week. August 9th. Venus Opposition Pluto. Emotional explosion. 11th August. Sun - Square - Uranus. Chaos, disorder. 11th August. Venus ingression into Leo. 11th August. Mars - Sextile - Neptune. Soft power. August 14th. Sun - Opposition - Saturn. Limitation of possibilities.


Astro forecast from 1 to 7 August 2022

Aspects of the week. August 1. Sun - Trine - Jupiter. Positive self-esteem. August 2. Mars - Conjunction - Uranus. Courage and improvisation. Abrupt changes. August 2. Venus - Sextile - Uranus. Love adventures. August 3rd. Venus Sextile Mars. impulse of passion. August 4th. Mercury ingression into Virgo. August 7. Venus - Trine - Neptune. Emotional sensitivity. August 7. Mars - Square - Saturn. Activity restriction.


Astro forecast August 2022

This is the last month of summer! You need to have time to rest, gain strength and get ready for the work period!
