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Astro forecast from January 30 to February 5, 2023

Aspects of the week. January 30. Mercury - Trine - Uranus. Genius ideas. February 4th. Sun - Square - Uranus. Excitement and tension. February 5th. Venus - Square - Mars. Emotional conflicts, jealousy.


Astro forecast from 23 to 29 January 2023

Aspects of the week. The 25th of January. Sun - Sextile - Jupiter. Optimism and self-confidence. January 27th. Venus ingression into Pisces. January 29. Sun - Trin - Mars. Uplifting, free energy.


Astro forecast from 16 to 22 January 2023

Aspects of the week. January 18th. Mercury turns forward. January 18th. Sun - Conjunction - Pluto. January 20th. Sun ingression into Aquarius. January 22. Venus - Conjunction - Saturn. Seriousness of feelings. January 22. Uranus turns forward.


Astro forecast from 9 to 15 January 2023

Aspects of the week. January 9. Venus - Trine - Mars. Sensual pleasures. January 12th. Mars turns forward. 13th of January. Sun - Sextile - Neptune. Expansion of perception. January 15. Venus - Square - Uranus. Emotional Torment.


Astro forecast from 2 to 8 January 2023

Aspects of the week. January 2. Mercury - Sextile - Neptune. Fascination with secrets. January 3rd Venus ingression into Aquarius. 4 January. Venus - Sextile - Jupiter. Cultural rest. 5 January. Sun - Trine - Uranus. Insight and great ideas. January 7th. Sun - Conjunction - Mercury. verbal activity. January 8. Mercury - Trine - Uranus. Non-standard ideas.


Astro forecast January 2023

Happy New Year 2023!!! With new luck, hope for the best and happy moments in life!!!


Forecast by signs 2023

Aries have started a new cycle since last year. For Taurus, the testing period continues (Uranus in Taurus). At the beginning of the year, Gemini can count on the support of friends (Jupiter at 11 d). Since last year, Cancers have been actively involved in the process of implementing a social program. Many Leos will probably celebrate the new year on a trip. Virgos have a favorable period for solving financial issues. Libra, for the most part, will celebrate the new year in a circle of people they like.


Astrological forecast for 2023.

2023 is marked by five ingressions of the elder planets. Jupiter enters Aries on December 20, 2022 and stays there until May 16, 2023. But, from May 16, 2023, Jupiter moves into the peaceful sign of Taurus and will stay there for a year. Pluto's second visit to Aquarius will be January 20, 2024 until September 24. The final transition will take place on November 20, 2024. Pluto will remain in Aquarius until 2043.


Astro forecast from December 26, 2022 to January 1, 2023

Aspects of the week. December 28th. Venus - Sextile - Neptune. Pleasant fantasies. December 29th. Mercury turns retro. December 29th. Mercury - Conjunction - Venus. Communication with nice people. January 1st. Venus - Conjunction - Pluto. Intensity of emotions.


Astro forecast from 19 to 25 December 2022

Aspects of the week. December 20. Jupiter ingression into Aries. 21 December. Sun ingression into Capricorn. Dec 22. Sun - Square - Jupiter. Paphos and arrogance. Dec 22. Venus - Trine - Uranus. Improvisation in love. December 25th. Mercury - Sextile - Neptune. Fascination with secrets.
